Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) is organised at Multiple-District level.
At MD308, RLLI would be conducted at Santubong (a famous beach near to Kuching), Sarawak which is hosted by LCI District 308-A2. RLLI is scheduled on 13-17 Nov 2008.
RLLI is a 5-days programme. Participants are expected to stay at the training location and join every training session, including the official meals (lunch, etc).
LCI provides the standard training materials for conducting RLLI.
The Regional Lions Leadership Institute program allows multiple districts to apply for funding to support leadership training institutes in their own multiple district. The curriculum of the Regional Lions Leadership Institute is based on that of the LCI-sponsored Lions Leadership Institute. The Leadership Division provides specific guidelines in an effort to maximize quality. Approved Regional Lions Leadership Institutes are eligible for an amount equal to US$143 per confirmed institute participant, up to a maximum of US$10,000 or 50% of the total cost.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What is RLLI (Regional Lions Leadership Institute) ?
Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) is a replacement of Emerging Lions Leadership Institute which was canceled a few years ago. The Regional Lions Leadership Institute which is organized at MD (Multiple District) level focuses on building the skills of Lions members for leadership opportunities at the club president level.
RLLI is a good LCI training program. Some of the RLLI modules are similar to SLLI (Senior Lions Leadership) program.
This training program is very interesting and I am sure everyone will learn something from it.
RLLI is a training programme for the Emerging Lions. Emerging Lions Leadership Institute was targetting Lions who have not yet become Club President. (Please encourage your Club members to join the RLLI. Some of the course modules for DGE Seminar, SLLI and RLLI are similar.) Senior Lions Leadership Institute is targetting Lions who are Past Presidents and is or have served as Cabinet Officers. DGE Seminar is an intensive training programme for those who have been recently elected as the incoming District Governor.
Benefits of RLLI:
1) RLLI is a systematic, student-centred training programme devised by Lions Clubs International.
2) RLLI helps to enhance Leadership and Teamwork for the Lions movement.
3) RLLI is a very good programme that is subsidised by LCI. Year after year, we pay Dues to LCI. This is one of the ways LCI pay back to us by subsidising/sponsoring training programmes such as SLLI and RLLI.
4) RLLI enables Lions to meet old friends and make new friends among MD308 Lions.
5) For this year's RLLI, it will be FREE. The participant only need to pay for his own transportation to the RLLI venue.
RLLI is a good LCI training program. Some of the RLLI modules are similar to SLLI (Senior Lions Leadership) program.
This training program is very interesting and I am sure everyone will learn something from it.
RLLI is a training programme for the Emerging Lions. Emerging Lions Leadership Institute was targetting Lions who have not yet become Club President. (Please encourage your Club members to join the RLLI. Some of the course modules for DGE Seminar, SLLI and RLLI are similar.) Senior Lions Leadership Institute is targetting Lions who are Past Presidents and is or have served as Cabinet Officers. DGE Seminar is an intensive training programme for those who have been recently elected as the incoming District Governor.
Benefits of RLLI:
1) RLLI is a systematic, student-centred training programme devised by Lions Clubs International.
2) RLLI helps to enhance Leadership and Teamwork for the Lions movement.
3) RLLI is a very good programme that is subsidised by LCI. Year after year, we pay Dues to LCI. This is one of the ways LCI pay back to us by subsidising/sponsoring training programmes such as SLLI and RLLI.
4) RLLI enables Lions to meet old friends and make new friends among MD308 Lions.
5) For this year's RLLI, it will be FREE. The participant only need to pay for his own transportation to the RLLI venue.
MD308 Regional Lions Leadership Institute @Santubong, Sarawak on Nov 13-17, 2008

Organised by LCI Multiple District 308
Subsidised by LCI
Venue: Santubong Kuching Resort, Santubong, Sarawak, Malaysia
Date: 13-17 November 2008
1. Candidates for this institute must be from members of MD 308 or invitees.
2. Regional Lions Leadership Institute focuses on building the skills of Lions members for leadership opportunities at the club president level.
3. Candidates must be Lions (preferably Vice-presidents) in good standing of clubs in good standing and have not yet attained the position of president. Lion members who are currently serving as club presidents will be considered on a space available basis.
4. Candidates must be willing to commit to a five-day institute, including group mealtime activities, and understand personal time is extremely limited.
(Attendance at all classroom sessions and scheduled meals is mandatory)
MD 308 will pay for meals and lodging during the actual days of the institute. Participants are responsible to pay for their own transportation and related travel expenses to and from the institute site. (Commitment fees of RM100/, refund upon registration at the institute center, shall be forfeited for no show except with prior approval by respective district governor before commencement of the institute).
Because of the high number of applications expected by the MD, acceptance into the institute is not guaranteed. In order to have as many clubs represented as possible, TWENTY candidates per district will be selected and additional applications will be allowed on a space availability basis.
All completed documents must be submitted by/on deadline date of 20th October 2008. After the deadline, unused allocation (if any) will be allocated to applicants from other sub-districts at the discretion of the organisers.
A. Application Form (attached)B. Nomination Form (form is attached) must be recommended by the Club’s president / secretary and to be endorsed by the District Governor.
APPLICATION SUBMISSION DEADLINE DATE: 20th October 2008(Submission of form by e-mail or fax encouraged)
2nd MD 308 Regional Lions Leadership Institute Organizers
DG BC Sim (Email: / Fax: +6082-421933 / Hp: +6019-8864723 )
ZC Daisy Kon (Email: / Fax: +6082- 421933/ Hp: +6016-8867063 )
Click Icon below to download the Candidate's Application Form and Nomination Form
PDF File Size 39KB
Ms Word File Size 89KB
Is the newly revised LIONS logo blue & yellow? Or is it blue & gold?

If we look at the download section of logos in LCI website, available LIONS logo for download are: (1) 2-color (blue & yellow), (2) 1-color (blue), (3) black & white. The 4-color CMYK Lions logo that we all are so familiar with is no longer there.
It is noted that the homepage of LCI website now uses the 2-color (blue & yellow) Lions logo. Yet there are some webpages that still uses the 4-color CMYK Lions logo.
I searched for official announcement that the revised 2-color blue & yellow Lions logo has replaced the 4-color CMYK Lions logo. I can't find such announcement. I first heard about the Lions logo change from ID Ellis Suriyati. Subsequently I checked out LCI website to find the facts.
Anyway, let us just wait for official announcement?
1. Blue & yellow Lions logo - is it encouraged to be used? Is it mandatory to be used?
2. 4-color CMYK Lions logo - is it still valid? Is it going to be phased out in stages? Is it going to coexist with the new blue & yellow Lions logo?
Below is an extract from LCI website.
Official Colors
The royal colors of purple and gold were selected as the official colors when the association was organized in 1917. Purple stands for loyalty to friends and for integrity of mind and heart. Gold symbolizes sincerity of purpose, liberality in judgment, purity in life and generosity in mind, heart and purse to those in need.
Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a popular color matching system used by the printing industry to print spot colors. Most applications that support color printing allow you to specify colors by indicating the Pantone name or number. This assures that you get the right color when the file is printed, even though the color may not look right when displayed on your monitor. The following are specified Pantone colors for Lion logos. Lion Logo Reflex blue and PMS 123 (gold).
The royal colors of purple and gold were selected as the official colors when the association was organized in 1917. Purple stands for loyalty to friends and for integrity of mind and heart. Gold symbolizes sincerity of purpose, liberality in judgment, purity in life and generosity in mind, heart and purse to those in need.
Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a popular color matching system used by the printing industry to print spot colors. Most applications that support color printing allow you to specify colors by indicating the Pantone name or number. This assures that you get the right color when the file is printed, even though the color may not look right when displayed on your monitor. The following are specified Pantone colors for Lion logos. Lion Logo Reflex blue and PMS 123 (gold).
Extracted from LCI website today. Director Ellis Suriyati Omar

ID Ellis Suriyati is someone with people-oriented charisma. She attracts people to her like a magnet. She is friendly, helpful, cooperative, kind, considerate, know how to thank and praise the people around her.
Below is the official biodata of International Director Ellis Suriyati Omar.
Ellis Suriyati Omar, from Kuching, Malaysia, was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association’s 91st International Convention, held in Bangkok, Thailand, June 23-27, 2008.
Director Omar is a company director.
A member of the Kuching City Lions Club and a Lion since 1979, Director Omar has held many offices within the association, including club president, zone chairperson, region chairperson, district governor and council chairperson. She has also served as a national coordinator for Campaign SightFirst II.
In recognition of her service to the association, Director Omar has received numerous awards, including the 100% Club President Award, the District Governor Certificate of Appreciation, the International President’s Leadership Torch Extension Award and three International President’s medals. She is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to her Lions activities, Director Omar has been active in numerous professional and community organizations. She is the chairperson of the Lions Nursing Home in Kuching, president of the Sarawak Netball Association and the recipient of the Sarawak Sate Award.
Director Omar and her husband, Zaidi, have three children.
Director Omar and her husband, Zaidi, have three children.
Newly revised LIONS Logo

These are the new LIONS logo. 4-color CMYK logo is no longer used. Instead, a 2-color Lions logo of blue and yellow is used.
The new LIONS logo is more sharply defined. The previous Lions logo looked fuzzy especially the CMYK version.
Lions Clubs International,
lions logo
Monday, October 6, 2008
Lions International President Albert F Brandel

The International President for Lions Clubs International for the fiscal year of 2008-2009 is Albert Brandel. He prefers to be called short.
I had the fortune of being able to photograph together with him twice when he was in Malaysia 2 years ago.
Albert F. Brandel of Melville, New York, USA, was elected president of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association’s 91st International Convention, held in Bangkok, Thailand, June 23-27, 2008.
He is a retired police detective. For many years he investigated child abuse and neglect, juvenile delinquency, domestic violence involving children and missing children.
A member of the West Hempstead Lions Club since 1975 and an associate member of the Melville Lions Club, International President Brandel has held many offices in the association, including club president, district governor and international director. He has also served as a presenter and panelist at USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forums. He worked with the Long Island Lions Eye Bank as a transporter and has been the Lions Representative to UNICEF in New York for 10 years. He helped coordinate Lions relief efforts at the World Trade Center following September 11, 2001.
In recognition of his contributions, he has received numerous awards, including the 100% Club President Award, the 100% District Governor Award, 15 International President's Awards and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest award the association grants to its members. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lions activities, he has served as a Little League volunteer and as a Eucharistic minister. He is a former member of the board of directors of the United Nations Association of the USA.
International President Brandel's wife, Dr. Maureen Murphy, an anesthesiologist and a Lion, practices at a community hospital.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Thursday September 6, 2007
Funds sought for mobile clinic
THE mobile clinic operated by the Lions Club of Serdang District 308 B2 is in need of funds.
The clinic has been offering free medical services to the poor, especially those living in rural areas. Between 2005 and 2006, the clinic served the orang asli in Pulau Carey (Selangor), Janda Baik (Pahang) and Alor Gajah (Malacca).
At a recent press conference, mobile clinic adviser Dr Lai Kwong Choy said the service was initiated in 2003 and the medical supplies were depleting fast. Medical equipment was also needed.
“We really need a cholesterol meter to record accurate readings so people can seek proper treatment. The instruments in the dentist’s clinic also need upgrading and we are looking for more medical personnel,” he said.
To help raise the much-needed funds, the club is organising the Share with Love & Care Charity Karaoke Competition at Hee Lai Ton Restaurant in Seri Kembangan at 7pm on Oct 5. It has separate categories for amateurs and professionals, with cash prizes up for grabs.
Lions Club of Serdang District 308 B2 president Leong Kee Chong said each mobile clinic outing to serve the public cost the club RM2,000.
“We recently helped 16 old folks in the Klang Valley to undergo cataract surgery at the Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital in Petaling Jaya. It cost us RM500 for each senior citizen,” he said.
Lions Club of Serdang District 308 B2 zone chairperson Michael Yeap said the mobile clinic service was started because villagers in Seri Kembangan had limited access to clinics. The service was eventually extended to cover other areas.
Competition organising chairperson Lion Winnie Tham said the registration fee was RM50 per person and the closing date for entries was Sept 20. For details, call 016-606 2345 (Tham) or 016-662 2528 (Kong).
A blood donation campaign will also be held at SJK (C) Seri Kembangan on Oct 7.
Also present at the press conference was Seri Kembangan assemblyman Datuk Liew Yuen Keong.
Funds sought for mobile clinic
THE mobile clinic operated by the Lions Club of Serdang District 308 B2 is in need of funds.
The clinic has been offering free medical services to the poor, especially those living in rural areas. Between 2005 and 2006, the clinic served the orang asli in Pulau Carey (Selangor), Janda Baik (Pahang) and Alor Gajah (Malacca).
At a recent press conference, mobile clinic adviser Dr Lai Kwong Choy said the service was initiated in 2003 and the medical supplies were depleting fast. Medical equipment was also needed.
“We really need a cholesterol meter to record accurate readings so people can seek proper treatment. The instruments in the dentist’s clinic also need upgrading and we are looking for more medical personnel,” he said.
To help raise the much-needed funds, the club is organising the Share with Love & Care Charity Karaoke Competition at Hee Lai Ton Restaurant in Seri Kembangan at 7pm on Oct 5. It has separate categories for amateurs and professionals, with cash prizes up for grabs.
Lions Club of Serdang District 308 B2 president Leong Kee Chong said each mobile clinic outing to serve the public cost the club RM2,000.
“We recently helped 16 old folks in the Klang Valley to undergo cataract surgery at the Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital in Petaling Jaya. It cost us RM500 for each senior citizen,” he said.
Lions Club of Serdang District 308 B2 zone chairperson Michael Yeap said the mobile clinic service was started because villagers in Seri Kembangan had limited access to clinics. The service was eventually extended to cover other areas.
Competition organising chairperson Lion Winnie Tham said the registration fee was RM50 per person and the closing date for entries was Sept 20. For details, call 016-606 2345 (Tham) or 016-662 2528 (Kong).
A blood donation campaign will also be held at SJK (C) Seri Kembangan on Oct 7.
Also present at the press conference was Seri Kembangan assemblyman Datuk Liew Yuen Keong.
Faculty Development Institute
Faculty Development Institute is organised by Lions Club International. FDI is organised for each constitutional area.
For instance, Faculty Development Institute for the OSEAL (Orient & South-East Asia Lions) area is scheduled on December 1-4, 2008 in Hong Kong...organised by Lions Clubs International (LCI).
LCI organised the Faculty Development Institute to train Trainers and Faculty Members to help train at the Constitutional Area and Multiple-District level. This enables the continuity of the education process of all Lions.
Faculty Development Institute is best targeted toward Lions Multiple-District Trainers, Lion District Trainers, and Past District Governors. I personally think those who have attended the Senior Lions Leadership Institute are also suitable participants of the Faculty Development Institute.
For instance, Faculty Development Institute for the OSEAL (Orient & South-East Asia Lions) area is scheduled on December 1-4, 2008 in Hong Kong...organised by Lions Clubs International (LCI).
LCI organised the Faculty Development Institute to train Trainers and Faculty Members to help train at the Constitutional Area and Multiple-District level. This enables the continuity of the education process of all Lions.
Faculty Development Institute is best targeted toward Lions Multiple-District Trainers, Lion District Trainers, and Past District Governors. I personally think those who have attended the Senior Lions Leadership Institute are also suitable participants of the Faculty Development Institute.
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