If we look at the download section of logos in LCI website, available LIONS logo for download are: (1) 2-color (blue & yellow), (2) 1-color (blue), (3) black & white. The 4-color CMYK Lions logo that we all are so familiar with is no longer there.
It is noted that the homepage of LCI website now uses the 2-color (blue & yellow) Lions logo. Yet there are some webpages that still uses the 4-color CMYK Lions logo.
I searched for official announcement that the revised 2-color blue & yellow Lions logo has replaced the 4-color CMYK Lions logo. I can't find such announcement. I first heard about the Lions logo change from ID Ellis Suriyati. Subsequently I checked out LCI website to find the facts.
Anyway, let us just wait for official announcement?
1. Blue & yellow Lions logo - is it encouraged to be used? Is it mandatory to be used?
2. 4-color CMYK Lions logo - is it still valid? Is it going to be phased out in stages? Is it going to coexist with the new blue & yellow Lions logo?
Below is an extract from LCI website.
Official Colors
The royal colors of purple and gold were selected as the official colors when the association was organized in 1917. Purple stands for loyalty to friends and for integrity of mind and heart. Gold symbolizes sincerity of purpose, liberality in judgment, purity in life and generosity in mind, heart and purse to those in need.
Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a popular color matching system used by the printing industry to print spot colors. Most applications that support color printing allow you to specify colors by indicating the Pantone name or number. This assures that you get the right color when the file is printed, even though the color may not look right when displayed on your monitor. The following are specified Pantone colors for Lion logos. Lion Logo Reflex blue and PMS 123 (gold).
The royal colors of purple and gold were selected as the official colors when the association was organized in 1917. Purple stands for loyalty to friends and for integrity of mind and heart. Gold symbolizes sincerity of purpose, liberality in judgment, purity in life and generosity in mind, heart and purse to those in need.
Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a popular color matching system used by the printing industry to print spot colors. Most applications that support color printing allow you to specify colors by indicating the Pantone name or number. This assures that you get the right color when the file is printed, even though the color may not look right when displayed on your monitor. The following are specified Pantone colors for Lion logos. Lion Logo Reflex blue and PMS 123 (gold).
Extracted from LCI website today.
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